Monday, September 6, 2010

Dizzying Effectual Praise

Push It
"Push it. Examine all things intensely and relentlessly. Probe and search each object in a piece of art; do not leave it, do not course over it, as if it were understood, but instead follow it down until you see it in the mystery of its own specificity and strength."

This is what I do. In my head I am constantly "pushing the envelope" of my understanding. There is never a dull moment in my cognitave reasoning. The wheels are constantly turning. If you think that no one cares about that thing you said two days ago, then you are wrong. I have analyzed it, compared it to the string of other things you have said and placed it against the backdrop of the random memories I have cataloged about you. I have turned it into something beautiful inside of me, I have found depth and beauty in the simple phrase you spoke aloud and thought nothing of.

This is sometimes found as obtrusive. I know. Not many folks like to actually be heard, and the few that do, never want someone to ask them why they said it. I get it; you want your privacy. You see this as a moment in which I have walked into your "life bubble". Well thank the Lord that I have come to see my gift as just that, a gift. The world I see is completely upside down from yours. Inside my mind your world is turned on its head. There is nothing wrong with this perspective, so please don't hate. I have been given this world, and I hold it sacred. This is Holy Ground. I will take off my shoes now.  

The privacy I supposedly disregard is a farce. You are always more transparent than you think you are. It is not worth the lie. Lying never is. The uptake is that freedom is found in honesty, so I will say it. I will speak for the masses. I will uncover the paintings, I will continue to search out the Manet's, Aivazovsky's Monet's Davinci's and Rembrandt's. My world keeps spinning faster and faster, as the search for wisdom grows avidly. You can't keep up and that's ok, this rotation will come 'round soon enough. This revolution's gonna bring some Glory.

I'll keep thinking in circles, you keep to your lines. The end will bring us together, for our goal is still the same.

The song I sing until this day: "You are my Lord; I have no good apart from you." (Ps 16:2)

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