Sunday, November 7, 2010

Musical Musings

Today I am in am musical mindset.

The heartsrings I have similar to a guitar and can be played melodically.

So today, I needed to move. To feel. To remember my Heart.

I found two things I felt worth sharing.

One: a blog post from a person I do not know...


A Recording of Haley

No. This is not about the red-haired singer of Paramore. Pardon the crappy side sounds. Me and my brother discovered a software called Garage Band. Recording is great using this software.

Its discovery was like the discovery of fire by Homo Habilis.





Haley cover. A Needtobreathe original.


My wish for anyone who will have the courage to hear this song is not "hope you like it" but "hope you don't roll in laughter."


Here is another recording.


Something Beautiful cover. A Needtobreathe original.

If you want to see more from Mr. Garcia, here is his blog:


Two: A video from a band (Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zero's)  that I know nothing about, but also find tremendous!

Find more great music here:

My heart is once again happy and content. Isn't it strange how music can help you see the world in a different way? 

Saturday, November 6, 2010

WorkFlowy - Organize your brain.

Think outside your mumbled brain. This is a tremendous tool! Pretty sure I will be using this for EVERYTHING. Ah, simple, convenient, organized state of being here I come! Time to put my feet up. :)