Wednesday, June 10, 2009

a questioning mind

why do we as americans accept the fact that they make more in a day than more than 50% of the world will make in a year and what are we doing to help?

why is there a war being fought in uganda by mainly children who are kidnapped and brainwashed, but the world i live in doesn't care. if a child in america was kidnapped the amber alert would go off and millions would snap to attention. interesting.

why is it ok and even applauded to live a life without any drive or dignity?

why do people "check out" and let their lives live them instead of living the life they are meant for??

why is it counter-cultural for me, as a christian, to want to recycle?

what is it with republicans and war?

why do i live in a world where it's normal to not even know one of my neighbors names??

i have a lot of questions. now its time to do something about it.

since i was a little babe i have always been asking hard questions. i am an over analyzer and (even though it doesn't seem like it) i am very logical. as an elementary student i was trying to pry the theology of predestination out of my parent's. they had no idea what to say so they sent me to the children's pastor. in oversimplified terms i was told to just accept it. i have NEVER been able to just accept anything.

to this day i have questions. i will always have questions. one thing i am learning though is unless you seek out knowledge it will NOT fall into your lap. the person i am becoming is one who is waking up out of the haze, getting off my duff and truly finding something to be passionate about.

i honestly don't know the reasoning behind alot of what goes on in the world. but instead of just being spoon-fed my rationale i am out loud asking the why's again! i am digging deep into the things that don't make sense in my family, my church and my friends.

1 comment:

Brett G said...

Well Steph, let me enlighten you on one of your questions.

Christians are to be conservative republicans.
Environmental issues and the global warming myth are crazy liberal propaganda.

Any 'christian' who has any consideration to environmental issues must not be a true Christian. You better do some soul searching now and renounce your liberal/hippy ways