Friday, July 9, 2010


inspiration comes like a tornado storm, a force to be reckoned with and mostly unexpected. it comes suddenly for the majority and i too have been surprised; for i did not wake up this morning expecting the world to inspire me.

but it did.

the way the coffee tasted, the way our company spoke, the color the hair became, the way the movie ended, the turn our walk took, the simple words on a page begging for a second glance.

a breath of fresh air, inspiration overcame. anticipation beats wildly in my chest for hope and will not be tamed, rhythmically syncopated for the desire of what is to be. today is a surprise package, full of hope and vigor, strength and whimsy.

hope and dreaming become a known reality. breathing steady i see fruits of freedom taking over. hit with solidarity i awake from the murky and dim, to find the world renewed and unity arise. monumental movement becoming common practice. let hope be known and freedom be ours. let life be breathed into these dry bones.

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