Monday, October 4, 2010

A Glimpse of Something Treasured

Do you remember dreaming? You know in class when you were eight, that daydream that caught you by surprise when you finally found something that you actually enjoyed learning? Do you remember following that idea to the happy place where the dream became reality and you grew up to love what you did? Do you remember that thought, an idea that sent tingles down your spine, causing your “playing house” to morph into playing doctor or lawyer or baker? What was that one moment when the world just fit; everything fell into place and you felt you for the first time in your life?

What was that dream?

Why did you let it go?

For me it was too good to be true. That captured thought would not be tamed, and even if it could be there is always an evil lurking in the corner. I felt that if I tried to do what I loved it would somehow break and that I would somehow cause the break.

I remember the dream. It is still tantalizing, it still sends tingles to my spine. Today I am no longer afraid of doing what I love. I am no longer going to shy away from what feels right. I will not let the possibility of a broken thing affront my hope of a better thing.

For it is always true that the story will only get better, as the storm passes through. The stories must be written, truth must be shared, and my own vision must be revealed.

The time has come to remove the veil, for I have found my dream.

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