Monday, September 13, 2010

HOME. where the heart is.


I have to disagree, cuz my heart is in the west coast right now, but I am NOT.

I have for almost a year, been living with a family that has been my saving grace. This family found me before I was saved. They saw a transition and they have become a part of my life. I lived out my "rehab" in their home. For the past year, I have been learning how to live. Learning how to make great decisions. Learning how to not only wish to make great decisions, but act on them. I have learned to be.


Wow. Do you know those moments when you realize the story is over, but you wish you could keep watching the movie, or keep turning the pages just to keep it going? I am there. This story is over. But that is not a bad thing! I am moving forward, not sideways, or zig-zaged, or backwards. Nope. I AM MOVING FORWARD. For the first time in my life I am proud of who I am, I love the people in my life, I enjoy the moments we have shared. And I am going apartment hunting tomorrow!

It has been awhile since I have lived alone, and I crave it. I am so happy with the motion. I am not being left behind.

This is so good.

AH! I am really giddy right now. Gonna go do a happy dance now.


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